Thank you to everyone who’s helped us to launch Essential Prayers Project this fall.
We played 5 concerts. 3 were "house concerts"--in the homes of friends. Wow. This is the the way to go!
We want to continue to offer small, personal concerts. Where everyone, audience members as well as musicians, gets “heard”.
We’ve received invitations from 14 potential hosts in the northeast, south and west. We hope to accept 10 of these next spring with your help.
Concerts have been costing me [Kitty] about $1000—on average—to underwrite. Most of my cost is paying my musicians. Who sing for a living.
Other costs come and go. When we traveled to Vermont, our host Sandra baked all day the day before. I did not need to provide food (food being so important for listening!) just travel. So it balanced out.
Passing the hat offset a lot. Everyone was generous.
I'm not sure how the 10 concerts we're planning for spring will work. We're trying to book them in clusters, geographically and time-wise. And asking for help with accommodations & meals...
Thank you. Those of you who came to hear us helped me realize that the whole point--everything we're singing about--is that I can’t do it alone.
I am hoping you will help me to continue.
In gratitude & hope,